A History of Rumford, Maine, 1774 to 2000 by John Leane. Updated from 1974 to 2000 by Elliott Burns. Easily readable history of Rumford with over 100 pictures. Hard Cover: $27.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
A Pictorial History of Rumford, Maine, 1770 to 1940 by the Rumford Historical Society. Ninety-seven pages of Rumford history with over 200 pictures with captions. This popular volume is in its second printing. Soft Cover: $21.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
Rumford Stories: Author: Linda MacGregor. A collection of short stories and photographs about Rumford people from interviews conducted by the author. Soft Cover: $10.00 Plus $10.00 Shipping and handling.
The Oxford Story: Author: John Leane. A definitive history of the Oxford Paper Company from 1847 to the late 1980's. Soft Cover: $2.00, Hard Cover: $5.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
Combined Sale of 4 Books above: all 4 for $50.00 plus $20.00 shipping and handling.
Jonathan Adams Bartlett: Author: Dr. Martin $10.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
New Pennacook Folks: Author: Stuart Martin. An excellent history of early Rumford with genealogies of the first families. [b]Hard Cover: $37.00 Plus $10.00 Shipping & Handling.[b/]
Rumford Historical Notecards with envelopes (pkg. of 9) with views of old Rumford. $8.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
Rumford Historical Postcards (pkg. of 6) $2.00 Plus $7.00 Shipping & Handling.
Historic Rumford Falls, Illustrated Walking Tour by Curtis Rice $8.00 Plus $5.00 Shipping & Handling.